Bill Clinton’s Dad-Bod Glory Days Are Clearly Behind Him

History was made. Hillary Clinton is now the first woman to clinch a major party nomination for president. Wonderful. Powerful. And now can we get to that bag of bones she carries around her neck, Bill Clinton. I couldn’t hear Bill last night over my fear he was going to croak on stage at the Democratic National Convention. I know he has heart disease and I know he used to hit the fries hard, ...Read More

I Drive A Piece Of Shit, And I’m The Happiest I’ve Ever Been

There’s something fun about driving a bona fide piece of shit. Maybe it’s because I’ve watched too many movies. Like, when I’m driving my 1988 Buick Regal Custom with 60K miles that cost me $500, it’s like I’m channeling my inner Lebowski. If The Dude had a rug that really tied the room together, this car is probably the most honest thing I’ve driven — it ties my life together. I think there’s zero ...Read More

Beyonce, Feminist Wrapping Paper and A Black Dress

“It’s not what you’re like, it’s what you like.” That’s from High Fidelity, and while Rob spends an entire book and movie battling through to realize it’s actually what you’re like that matters, Treat Yo Self doesn’t care. Here are the things I like this week.  BEYONCE ART PRINT | by MARITZA LUGO | $17 I follow Martiza on Instagram, and her art has been featured on Vice, Broadly and more. She’s Mindsay Mohan on ...Read More

Thin Needs Better PR Because I Can’t Even At The Gym

I’m not proud of this, but I spent about two weeks checking into the gym and then leaving. I straight up would go in, have the front desk clerk scan my card and then peace the fuck out. Why would I do such a thing? One. Because I was facing a serious case of personal resistance. Two. As part of my health insurance plan, I needed to make an appearance X amount of times ...Read More

Why Is It Bright AF In Ulta?

I like makeup. I’ve always liked makeup. Back in college, I wrote a terrible slam poem about being a feminist who wears makeup. Then I abruptly dropped the class because I couldn’t go through with actually performing that piece of shit. I mean, can you imagine? But in my head, I think the professor thought I was talented because he looked at me once. Back to Ulta where it is bright as fuck. Brighter ...Read More